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Monday, August 31, 2009

What is Muslims required to do during Ramadan? When is Ramadan and How Long is its Dates Calculated?

Muslims around the world are expected to fast from sun rise until sun set. Fasting requires abstinence from food and liquids, smoking and sexual intercourse during the given time. Apart from the mentioned, it is expected of a Muslim to stay away from all such deeds which may be the sign of a bad character, may hurt someone else or may become a cause of disruption in society.

If a Muslim is fasting by not eating, drinking or smoking but indulging in deeds that are frowned upon by God, it makes the fasting merely an act of starving and not one with spiritual depth in it. Hence deeds such as back biting, anger, hiding the truth or deceiving, stealing or partaking in other activities that are not permissible are especially avoided during the holy month.

The Islamic calendar is based on lunar movements and therefore the time of the year or dates when Ramadan would fall is not the same each year. Like any other Islamic month, Ramadan is either 29 or 30 days long.

In the most Muslim countries like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, India etc there are official moon-sighting organizations that come together from all cities of the country to check for moon sighting. The first moon sighting of each month lasts for only a few minutes and is a very thin crescent. If the moon is seen in any part of the country, it indicates the beginning of Ramadan. Other countries especially Arab nations follow Saudi Arabia for convenience; Saudi Arabia is where Mecca is located and happens to be the holiest place for Muslims.

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